Books in Torwali published in 2021
1. Inaan II with Urdu translation: It is a book of old Torwali poetry translated into Urdu
2. Jinnah Seb: It is a book in Torwali on the life of Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
3. Allama Iqbal: It is a book in Torwali on the life of Allama Iqbal
4. Fatima Jinnah: It is a book in Torwali on the life of Miss Fatima Jinnah
5. Dash Surat, Nimaz: It is a book of the last ten Surah of Quran Majeed, Method of Nimaz, the six Kalima and Ayatul Kursi translated into Torwali and with short explanation
Urdu book
Sarbuland: It is a book in Urdu on the languages, communities, history and society of the communities living in High Asia (North Pakistan, Kashmir and Eastern Afghanistan)